【News】2017.12.13 ロゴ新デザイン完成(順次切り替え予定)

アットマール社 New logotype    


制作 ウラタダシ Tadashi Ura 浦正


2006年より水墨画家・現代美術家 土屋秋恆氏(墨閃会代表)に師事し水墨画を学ぶ。
屋号をgleamix (グリーミックス)と称し、イラストレーター・ウラタダシ と画家・浦正として活動中。
また2017年より横浜のアトリエORANGE STARS GARDENにて水墨画教室とイラスト教室をスタート。


Tadashi Ura is an Illustrator and artist from Japan. He was born in Nagasaki, Japan in 1972. He started his career in Tokyo from 1994 after graduated from the Japan Design School in Kyushu branch and works for mostly advertising, magazine and web.
He became a freelance illustrator in 2002 and since 2007, started to receive awards in the commercial sector in Japan, which were the good design award, the TIAA award, also several Illustration or art’s awards.
He has been also learning a Japanese ink and wash painting which is called “Suibokuga” from the master of Suibokuga artist, Shukou Tsuchiya, since 2006. And also he began to teach Suibokuga with his master in the culture school from 2013. And also he has opened own class at his studio in Yokohama since 2017.
He is very often exhibiting his artwork or doing the live drawing of Suibokuga in Japan and USA. His inspirations come from everyday life and his style is mixed with Japanese traditional artwork and a modern twist.



